Another Great Run Day!

Friday was a very beautiful day. The air was clear and crisp. It seemed like Fall. The birds were singing and chirping! It must be time for a run.

I met so many runners in the Park Friday. They were a happy lot. They were smiling and stretching and even singing along with their running music, Everyone seemed to be having a great time. Surprisingly so was I. I was getting in a run before my trainer arrived, but it was a significant run. My knee was doing well.

As I rain up the big hill (against my doctor’s advice), I let the 20 somethings pass me by and I smiled. The running was effortless. I got up to the top and kept going so I could make the turn to the West drive. It was great and there was quite a few people out. Some were walking but there were a few people using the benches for training like a gym, doing squats and jumps. This was an encouraging sight to see. I was a part of this.

I completed my run and left the Park. ready to work out.

The workout went well, as it was not too difficult or too easy. I did well and now I am ready to move on with my day.

Saturday gloomy Saturday! This was a very different day. It was raining intermittently all day. My street had a festival as well as the Park.  The festival in the Park was an all day event, which would prohibit my running in the Park on Saturday.Not a problem as, I decided to take a break. I had worked out hard the day before.

I hate running in the rain (squishy shoes, yuk!). I am not a fan of rain gear in the Summer. I need to find a solution to that so I can run in the rain and be happy. I do not like the rain gear that I have. It is very uncomfortable to wear in the Summer. However it is becoming Fall and that changes everything.

Sunday is great! Again the birds chirped and sang. It was cool and breezy. It really is Fall today. Today Fall officially arrives:

September Equinox in New York, New York, U.S.A. is on
Sunday, September 22, 2013 at 4:44 PM EDT

I am out in the breezes ans I am cool, but happy. What a lovely day. What a lovely run.

At the Equinox I’ll try to balance some eggs. Lets see how it goes with that! I usually do not have a steady hand for that type of thing.

Breathing the air, because I can!

Today , for me, It is another great run day. Enjoy!



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