Wine & Dine 2016 Race-Recap

The year, 2016 was my Worst Running Year ever! I had my rock bottom moment and my short rebirths, but I had all of the classic symptoms of someone who did not want to run.

Demotivation. Moodiness. Depression. Did I say demotivation. A new injury. All of these things made my running painful and the opposite of fun.

Then on top of it all I started some new activities that take up a lot of time as well.

Mentally, I had a serious block to my exercise regimen this year. By July and August, but I kept fighting back, but there was no movement in my training. Who am I kidding? An object at rest stays at rest. Sir Issac Newton was right.

Good news! I ran the my race anyway.


I was nervous just picking up my race packet. I realized that the races are getting larger so I decided to either go very early or the second day of packet pickup. I did not do a challenge for this race because they changed the Half marathon from a lovely evening adventure to an early morning race. Morning races are common and generally not as interesting. This was the case. I was in corral “K” (Near the back). I guess I’m getting old, or I never recovered from being in corral “L” (they could not verify my excellent time).

After my 10 second pity party, I settled into trying to participate and just finish. There is not much you can do from the back unless you waste a lot of energy pushing through the crowd. The weather cooperated with us, however it got very warm by sunrise. There was no drama this year!

As we started off it was a good start and pretty fair weather. The crowd was having a great time taking pictures with mile markers and cast members. The course was changed as well. We went through Animal Kingdom as per usual, but we totally went in the back lot of Hollywood Studios due to construction. We approached Epcot from a different angle as well. There seemed to be more hills because of it. All on ramps are in fact hills. The list mile seemed to go up.

I was a wreck after the race. Good thing the after party was in the afternoon. I did not attend because I was so tired and sore from the race. I realize that if I do a morning race it cuts into my Park time that day. Hmmm. Something to think  about.

After all of this, I still long for the evening race. The day version is not as enjoyable. I may skip it all together this year.

2017 here we come!


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