Disappearing Running Gear – Compression Shorts

In my previous post I spoke about running shoes and the fight to keep to a brand. It’s a losing battle. It’s almost as bad with other running gear. Today I want to talk about running shorts.

There are quite a few styles for women, most of which are clingy or short. I am not sure who came up with the designs, but I have to resort to get Men’s wear if I want to look decent in running shorts. I wear compression shorts.

I started wearing compression shorts, after I realized by running more than one mile my thighs chaffed. I am sure this has happened to some of you. You buy a lovely pair of women’s shorts. They have a lovely color and cut. You put them on your body and think,” ok, it’s short but other people wear them so it must be ok.” You go for a three mile moderate run to test them out and come home to  stretch out and relax.  Then you take a painful shower. it can happen to anybody. The solution was to wear compression shorts that cover the affected areas. I recommend it.

So covering the parts that chafed with smooth material was a great way to keep running without pain. Next, getting compression shorts that don’t make you look like you thighs are two sausages. If you are not careful of size, you can get the too tight. It’s mostly knowing a brand and also trial and error. Not all short are the same quality.

All of the above shorts are RoadRunner Sports brand. I need to mention that the material on the middle shorts leaves a lot to be desired though. It’s not very old or worn very much, and it looks beaten, in comparison to, the one on the right which is almost a decade old. All of these are the same brand and have a length of 9″ inseam or longer. I love 9″ inseam long shorts. They can cover any outstanding issues that may make you self-conscious while running.

Speaking of cover, a trick is to wear the compression shorts with a long top this makes for a comfortable run. So far, it’s been great finding shorts but finally they have caught up with my esthetic. There are two large pockets on either side of the shorts for a phone and keys and money. No pouches needed for a run. Just a water bottle and you.

I am loving it out there now. Happy running!


  1. I can’t really comment on the women’s shorts, but I’ve found that even the men’s shorts keep changing and getting shorter. I wear them under my other shorts and I still experience chaffing with some pairs. I also supplement by putting on some Body Glide as part of my pre-run routine and it’s definitely helped. I highly recommend it.

    1. Funny thing. I wear mostly Men’s. The Women’s are ridiculously short. Some women wear it well but I despise any shorts 6” or less. My legs are long. I use Body Glide for races. Good call. I try not to use it as much due to my sensitive skin.

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